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DSCR Loan Program Overview 

Program Overview

Prysma provides DSCR loans, a groundbreaking financing option for property investors. This program enables borrowers to qualify using investment property income instead of personal earnings, simplifying the approval process for real estate investments. 
By focusing on the property's income potential, we can offer more flexible terms and conditions compared to traditional mortgage options. This approach not only broadens the eligibility criteria but also speeds up the approval process.

What is a DSCR loan? A Debt-Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) loan is a Non-QM mortgage option that evaluates property income potential instead of borrower income. This alternative approach opens doors for investors who may not meet traditional lending criteria.

Accessible Credit Requirements:

Our DSCR loan program provides flexible solutions designed to accommodate the unique needs of property investors. Ultimately, our DSCR loan program is designed to empower property investors by providing accessible, flexible, and efficient financing options. Whether you're expanding your current portfolio or making your first investment, Prysma is here to support your real estate ambitions. If you have any questions or just want to talk about DSCR loan pros and cons then get in touch.


Investor-Friendly Credit Criteria

Our program features flexible eligibility criteria, including a minimum credit score of 599 and a combined loan-to-value ratio of up to 85%. We consider DSCR calculations as low as 20%, making this an attractive option for various investment scenarios.


Generous Loan-to-Value Ratios

With combined loan-to-value ratios up to 85%, investors can leverage their capital more effectively and pursue ambitious real estate opportunities.


Flexible DSCR Calculations

We consider DSCR calculations as low as 20%, allowing for a more nuanced evaluation of property income potential and investor qualifications.


Real Estate Experience Matters

Qualification requires ownership of any property type within the past 24 months, acknowledging the value of hands-on real estate experience.

Get Started On The Journey Toward Homeownership Today!

Why Choose Prysma As Your Lending Provider


Focused on Hispanic Homeownership

We know that not everyone gets treated equally in the home-buying process. We’re here to correct that for members of our community.


20+ Years of Experience

We’re passionate about what we do, so it’s easy for us to keep growing and delivering home loans to Hispanic families


We’re Honest And Transparent

We want to make your home-buying experience as clear and accessible as possible. We will always be upfront with you about your options.


We Find Solutions

The home-buying process can be challenging. We’ll help you navigate your options and find the home loan that’s perfect for you.


Start your home purchase with the leader in Tax ID loans & mortgage solutions

Prysma is your trusted home loan provider, serving residents of Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Prysma is here to make people realize their dream of home ownership is possible.
Our experienced loan professionals sit down with you to find the best rates and loan options for you and your family.
We understand that owning a home can seem daunting, but We support you through every step of the process of the home buying process.
Fill out the form or call today to learn which of our home loans is right for you. (203) 743-9985

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No Credit Impact, Fast Approval!