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Within the Hamden area, we are your trusted lender for all conventional & unconventional loans.
For families within the Hamden area, Prysma has helped them realize that they do have the option to own their own home.
By sitting down with you personally, our team of professionals will discuss all of the best possible loan options, rates and circumstantial factors contributing to your mortgage.
You can also come on down to one of our offices to discuss your plan with us:
Fill out the form to the left to begin your journey to home ownership, or call us today at: 855-950-0202
Conventional Mortgage Loans in Hamden
There is no governmental financing, as conventional loans are not backed and insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or the Veterans Administration (VA). That means that the lender (us) is responsible for all mortgaging. Our Hamden conventional loan options at Prysma include:
● Fixed-Rate Loan: For a Hamden homeowner who is very steady month-to-month with payments and financing, these are perfect. Monthly payments will be discussed, in exchanged for a set down payment, and set at one simple fixed rate. From this, based on market and interest variables, you will not have to guess what your mortgage payment will be.
● Adjustable-Rate (ARM) Loan: For Hamden homeowners who are planning on keeping the house for a short term, ARM loans are great. During the determined initial period, these loans have a lower rate and will fluctuate depending on market conditions an index rates. On different months, your fate could be lower or higher, but an interest cap is negotiated and placed on your Hamden mortgage. This will then limit the maximum your rate can increase to.
Non-Conventional Mortgage Loans in Hamden
● Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Loan: Through your Hamden lender, the Federal Housing Administration is government-backed and will insure these loans. From this, we can offer you a better deal by possibly including a lower down payment, closing cost or interest rates. The qualifications of borrows are as follows: they must have a valid Social Security number, lawful residency in the U.S. and have steady employment history within the past two years.
● Tax ID Loan: For Non-US citizens who do not have a Social Security number, credit score, or Green Card; these loans are the right fit. For workers in the Hamden area, who have a passport and Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), we will offer loans.
● Veterans Administration (VA) Loan: Our VA loan options may be perfect for you if you’re a military veteran looking for a mortgage loan in Hamden. Our VA loans, for the most part, do not require money down and have very low interest rates compared to conventional loans. The requirements of this loan are: proof of military service, proof that you haven’t been dishonorably discharged and prior financials.
Mortgage Refinancing in Hamden
Mortgage Refinancing Options: When you want to make adjustments to your monthly payments, refinancing is usually used. In order to pay off the mortgage quicker or pay less through the lifetime of the loan, this can be increasing or decreasing your interest rate or monthly payments. Our main goal at Prysma is to mold your Hamden mortgage around your lifestyle and financial needs.For Hamden homeowners, refinancing is often a useful option.
Reverse Mortgage Options in Hamden
Reverse Mortgage Options: For homeowners over the age of 62 and looking to exchange equity for cash, a reverse mortgage loan is offered. You will exchange your part equity (ownership) of the home, instead of paying us monthly payments for your mortgage, and we will be paying you instead. For retirees looking for income to live on month-to-month this is popular. Until the home is sold or vacated, the borrower is not required to pay back the lender.
Our Connecticut Home Loan Office Locations
In the Hamden area and all throughout Connecticut, Prysma offers both conventional and unconventional mortgage loans. Each step can be accomplished over the phone or online, so you are not required to visit our offices to complete the loan process.
Feel tree to stop by one of our locations, as we have two Connecticut offices at:
Focused on Hispanic Homeownership
We know that not everyone gets treated equally in the home-buying process. We’re here to correct that for members of our community.
20+ Years of Experience
We’re passionate about what we do, so it’s easy for us to keep growing and delivering home loans to Hispanic families throughout Hamden, CT
We’re Honest And Transparent
We want to make your home-buying experience as clear and accessible as possible. We will always be upfront with you about your options.
We Find Solutions
The home-buying process can be challenging. We’ll help you navigate your options and find the home loan that’s perfect for you.